Why We Shouldn`t Legalize Marijuanas in the Philippines

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All I ask of you, who are reading now, is to be open-minded. Try to think outside of indoctrination and do your own research. You do not need to use cannabis to support legalization. Because one of the many benefits that legalizing cannabis use can bring to all of us is to boost tourism and taxation. Just ask Thailand. They roll in it. Pun intended. Over the past 20 years, a total of 56 countries have authorized the use of marijuana – 48 countries for medical purposes and eight countries for medical and recreational purposes. Uruguayan cannabis cultivation company Fotmer Life Sciences predicts that 80 countries could legalize medical marijuana in the near future, with a projected market value of $100 billion over the next decade. This generates tax revenue for a government that desperately needs such an increase creates jobs.

Farmers have something new to do. The trend towards reality is there. More and more countries are coming to this conclusion. Canada was the first to legalize it for medical purposes in 2001. Uruguay was the first country to allow recreational use nine years ago. Since then, it has led to a sharp decline in the overall drug trade in this country, diverting many people from the illegal use of other drugs. The legalization of marijuana, which is used for both medical and recreational purposes, is up to each state to decide whether to decriminalize it or notMJBizDaily reports: “California was the first state to legalize medical marijuana in 1996. Since then, the medical use of cannabis has been legalized in 39 states and the District of Columbia. Recreational or adult cannabis use is also legal in Washington and 19 states.

But think about the benefits to society, say pot proponents. Legalizing marijuana would reduce drug-related crime, they say. But as states legalize marijuana, local demand will increase. Meanwhile, some reputable producers, manufacturers and retailers will refuse to manufacture or distribute the drug because of current federal laws and tort liability that take care of such a dangerous product. The vacuum is filled by illegal drug cartels and a black or grey market. No state is likely to be allowed to legalize marijuana itself because of the negative spillover between states. Yet even if a state could do it, legalizing marijuana would serve no purpose other than exacerbate the drug problem. Canada legalized recreational use in 2018. Germany is about to do so.

Thailand is doing it now. And many states in the United States are also coming to this conclusion. Interestingly, it is mainly the states governed by the Democratic Party that are at the top. This surely tells you more than anything that legalization makes sense (anyone who believes in Trump can`t be sane). In recent years, attitudes toward marijuana have changed culturally. At the time of writing, medical marijuana is legal in 20 states and the District of Columbia; Recreational marijuana is now legal in Washington and Colorado. A large and growing body of literature indicates that the legalization of marijuana can have negative effects on individual and public health. Marijuana use among teens has increased. Data that have tracked adolescent risk perception and marijuana use for decades clearly show an inverse relationship; As the perception of risk among adolescents decreases, marijuana use increases.61 As more states legalize medical and recreational marijuana, the perception of risk is expected to decrease, leading to a continued increase in the prevalence of use among adolescents. This is one of the most worrisome issues associated with drug legalization, as many of marijuana`s negative effects — including cognitive impairment and the risk of short- and long-term psychosis — are increased when used during adolescence. A glass of wine with dinner, for example, has been shown to actually improve health.

This is not the case with marijuana. Although it can have palliative effects, marijuana has no known general healthy properties. Our primary responsibility in everything we do as parents and caregivers should be to our children – because they rely on us to keep them safe and healthy, and because they are our future. The marijuana policy is no different. Let us be careful and thoughtful and think of our children. Again and again, the scriptures say that you must shun from the flesh, for you will find full satisfaction in life only through the love of a perfect Father. Above all, marijuana should remain a criminalized drug as Christians because it is not biblical. The Bible does not specifically refer to marijuana, but it warns of the dangers of drunkenness – the two have mind-altering ties.

According to the CDC, marijuana use within 24 hours has “an immediate impact on thinking, attention, memory, coordination, movement, and perception of time.” In the long term, the drug affects brain development (especially in people under 18 years of age) such as attention, memory and learning. Thus, marijuana use like drunkenness inhibits your mental and physical condition. This puts you in a vulnerable position that takes away your addiction to God and a temporary place where you rely on worldly things (marijuana) to feel good. But in the end, this need to “feel good” will leave you empty as the euphoria fades and you still have the same problems as before. But don`t just allow medical use, let people get rid of hallucinogenic marijuana, why not. We can consume alcohol for the enthusiasm it inspires – but don`t allow yourself to drive or operate dangerous machinery. We allow you to smoke to death while in control of the sale – but ban a less harmful substance. We also need more research on marijuana use and safety among youth. Although studies have shown that the chemicals in marijuana seem to help people with chronic pain, as well as nausea, vomiting, and appetite problems common in cancer, the studies have all been conducted in adults. Teens are different from adults — and may react differently to marijuana. We need to find ways to fund and facilitate this research so that we can truly understand everything about how marijuana affects our youth.